Getting Started
Register for SurveyorSmart
Register and Purchase a subscription
- Currently individual licences are available for £50 pcm and come with a free 7 day trial. Go to the Assets Page once logged in.
Create Properties or Assets
- Create new Asset, give it a name and estimated value, then save
- Edit the asset and add, edit or delete standard paragraphs as needed
- Manage your standard paragraphs in one easy to use portal
Unlocking the AI Helper
- Create an account at
- Go to API Keys on the left hand menu
- Create a new secret key with All permissions
- Go to settings > General and note the Organisation Id
- If this is your first API key, you can skip the next step as you get $5 free credit - which expires after three months
- Go to settings > Billing and add to credit balance (you can enable auto charging which will refill your credits once used)
- Input the Organisation Id and API key values on the Asset page
- Interact with the AI to generate stanadard paragraphs
Manage your SurveyorSmart Subscription
- Go to the Account/Manage page (Your Email address on the navigation once logged in)
- Click Billing & follow instructions to manage your Billing/ Subscription